Little Giant Hatch Along

Come on little girl, you CAN do it..

He even helps me collect eggs.... then eats them
Hes a good dog... Dumb as a box of rocks missing a few but still a good boy.
Aren't they pretty! Moved mine to the big brooder the garage....the youngest are a week old today. Brooder is huge. Put a log in there and a big rock for 'playground equipment' and two containers of sand. Two feeders and a big waterer. They seem happy. Watching them try to fly across the brooder is funny. The extras I bought, the Aracanas, they are the most active and can fly further. Good think I put tops on all my runs!!!

Did you set another batch? I have 41 in the incubator due to hatch May 8th. Was only going to set the cochins and the EE's. DH said fill her up! I told DH to be ready to build another coop and run when he gets home. In the meantime I am deciding what I need to do in the flocks I have....going to rehome my BR roo I think....he hates my guts. Then will slowly intergrate the BR hens into the 'MOB'. That will leave me a cochin pen.

Oh....and I have a broody hen....who knew???
Aren't they pretty! Moved mine to the big brooder the garage....the youngest are a week old today. Brooder is huge. Put a log in there and a big rock for 'playground equipment' and two containers of sand. Two feeders and a big waterer. They seem happy. Watching them try to fly across the brooder is funny. The extras I bought, the Aracanas, they are the most active and can fly further. Good think I put tops on all my runs!!!

Did you set another batch? I have 41 in the incubator due to hatch May 8th. Was only going to set the cochins and the EE's. DH said fill her up! I told DH to be ready to build another coop and run when he gets home. In the meantime I am deciding what I need to do in the flocks I have....going to rehome my BR roo I think....he hates my guts. Then will slowly intergrate the BR hens into the 'MOB'. That will leave me a cochin pen.

Oh....and I have a broody hen....who knew???

Thanks. I still wish I knew what they are, both breed and sex, but I will find out soon enough I guess. I wish I had another place to put ours. They are about to outgrow the 50 gal. tote. We have a large dog crate in the basement that I bought a few months back at Goodwill just because and boy am I glad I did. Had no idea why I was buying at the time, thought we would use it for our rabbit, but he is getting a new hutch on the back side of the coop, so I think I will use it for a brooder for a while, still have to find a place to 'park' it.

No, we didn't set anymore, one batch a year is good for us. We don't have a lot of room and getting these guys a coop done in the short time we have will be like pulling teeth. I have finally decided on a coop but still not sure if it is going to be big enough. Depends on if any of our babies are roos or not. All we can do is a small flock, if I knew anyone would want chicks of their own to raise, then I would incubate some more, just for fun.

So are you going to let your hen do the work now or what??
Just curious. How much humidity are you all running? I'm on day 8, I'm going to candle on day 10. Just read a thread where chicks were fullgrown, but didn't hatch. Some had their humidity at 40 1-18, then 65 for lockdown. I'm doing a dry incubation. My humidity is around 25-35, averaging around 29. We are having alot of rain here, so it goes up and down. I'm interested in your humidity levels. The other thread had other reasons they were not getting good hatches, but temps and humidity were the main discussion. My temps are at 100 and holding. Had a low temp (96-98) for a couple of days last weekend, but got them stabilized.
Out of 12 eggs, on day 8 I saw at least 6 moving babies inside. Day 16 today I could only see one. The rest I can see big blobs and air sacs but no movement. Are they dead? I see healthy looking veins in a few but no movement.
Same here. Today is day 8 for me and I candled 1 today out of 13. No movement, good air cell, and veining. I'm going to check the candling thread to see what I should be expecting.

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