Little Giant Hatch Along

Someone posted when I was in my last hatch that if the temps are moving around like that....adjust them and then do nothing for an hour.....don't move the thermostat every little bit.....

Also, unlike the last hatch my temps are really staying steady. That does not mean that I never adjust it but if I do I walk away for a long time to see if the temp levels out.

The other thing that is really making a difference this time is that the incubator is in the big bathroom. No one is here but me now so it does not have to be used for people. The temp in the room stays steady. So I think that has helped more than anything in keeping the temps steady.

Relax....don't adjust so often....make sure the room is draft free....eggs are actually really resiliant ( I have no idea if that word is spelled correctly).
I have it in a closet so thought it would be a good place for it...I haven't adjusted the thermostat at all...the inside of the egg..since I have a wiggler is ranging from 96-100.5
I love my LGs! My hatch is going great. Day 20 and I have 6 out, and a whole bunch pipping. I started with 34, 7 weren't fertile, I had 3 quitters and everybody else is rocking and rolling. I cooked them in an LG with an egg turner and fan, and then moved them to a higher humidity LG with no fan, but they started pipping on lockdown day!
I had temp fluctuations the whole time and low humidity and they're still fine. They weren't shipped though, I picked them up. I think that makes a big difference.
yeah these arent shipped eggs so maybe there is still hope. I am trying a dry incubation as well, but looked like my humidity was way low so had to add a little bit of water. I'm thinking next time i am going to install a fan.
Ugh I'm so disappointed... No more chirping at lunch. I was worried but what to do? wait wait wait... No chirping after work equals very worried. Candled suspect egg and could clearly see it had broken into the air sac. Carefully chipped the egg away which was extremely hard. Chick was dead dead dead. First dead fully formed almost born chick stings the heart. Now I'm paranoid about the others! Candled them and the air sacs do not look broken. More waiting and hoping! Sleeping inches from the bator tonight.
Well, here I go again! This is my fourth bunch of eggs this year so far in my LG. This time I have a variety of turkey and duck eggs! That just means I am going to have to sit on my hands longer than I did for my chicks. I have trouble with patience for three weeks - think what four weeks are going to do to me!
Had by incubator loaded up and tried out the egg carton hatch method-had awesome fertility/development at last candling.

I've only had 4 chicks hatch and they were due on Easter (day 21) I had to help the last two and I'm not sure that the one I helped today will make it-he looks pretty weak.
I kept hearing chirping but couldn't see any pipping. Yesterday I took out some eggs to candle since they were due on Easter and I when I picked up that egg, it was stuck to the pulp egg carton. I gently pried it loose and then the chick inside chirped. The poor baby couldn't make any progress! I had a lot of eggs that were stuck to the carton and some eggs had a mildewy powder on the sides of them where they touched the carton.

Won't be trying that again after all those fertile eggs and only 4 hatching! I hate to give up on the others now.

I didn't have any holes at the bottom and would recommend that (even though some say it doesn't matter). The heat could've dried out the moisture that surrounded the egg and may not have had that problem. I won't know for sure cause I'm not doing it again.

What a bummer!

At least they were my eggs and not eggs that I had shipped. Wouldn't experiment on those ones!
I, too, tried the paper egg cartons.....they fell apart pretty quickly. I had holes in the bottoms of them so plenty of air/moisture was getting through. When I saw them starting to sag I removed them and laid my eggs down. I had a really good hatch. Only six did not hatch out of 41 that I started with (oh, three I removed early) I have seen pictures on here where people used the styrofoam ones with the hole cut out at the bottom. I just want the chicks to have room to move and get out of the eggs. I did not like them crawling all over the other eggs either so when two or three were out and had a chance to dry I slipped in and removed them to the warmed up brooder. If there was any trailing on them I left them until it came off (left over stuff from the hatch). Mine will lay at the bottom on the grill.
Day 14!!! Just candled my eggs. All but one looked right on schedule!!!
1 didn't quite look as far along as the others, but we will see! Lockdown is mon. may 2!!
I'm getting so nervous!!! I hope all goes well. This is my first hatch. Didn't know about calibrating hygro. Found out the one I was using was not very reliable. Bought one from petland today used for reptiles. Calibrated it with the salt test and it was right on 75%!!
So here we goooo!!!! Hopefully this time next week we will have 12 new fuzzy butts to add to our family!!

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