Little Giant Hatch Along

Maybe they are just a little bit late. I've read on here that it can take up to day 25-26, so don't give up yet. I just candled mine, day 14, and I only saw 1 of mine moving, but they looked just like the pics on the sticky at the beginning of this topic. Couldn't see much, except the airsac. The rest was mostly dark. Just sit tight and hopefully
when you get up in the morn there will be some action going on!!! Just remind me next wed, my hatch day, of what I'm saying to you, because you may need to be saying this back to me!!!
I just set 14 eggs in my still air LG this evening for my first-ever hatch. I ran it for a day and couldn't get the temp below 115F. I left the lid cracked about 3/4" all day today and it maintained a 101-102 temp with 46% humidity, so I decided against my better judgement to put my eggs in. I am beyond nervous! I read the first few posts a while back, but haven't kept up with the thread, so I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this issue. Keeping my fingers crossed for at least a somewhat successful hatch!
OKAAAY!!! Here we go!! Lockdown at 7:30 in the morn!!
Hoping everything goes well!! I'm going to candle again tonite as I had 1 that was questionable on day 14. I have a question to throw out here. Should I have seen movement on day 14? I only saw 1 moving. I have 7 that are really to dark to see much except the air cell. I have 12 all together. Should I candle this late in the game? OOHH! I'm getting very nervous!! Hoping and praying for a smooth hatch!! It's been fun to share this experience with you all! Everyone has been so helpful!
Thanks so much!
I went into lockdown last night, didn't candle, first. I was too tired! Humidity is up to about 85% after keeping it in 30-40% range throughout incubation. Temp had dropped to 97 this morning, but is now holding steady at 99.5 and I woke up to chirping, but no pips. Shouldn't be too much longer!
Just lockedown myself!! Everything looking good!!! Hope it stays that way for us both!! Mine may be a little late, as temps were kinda low a few days in, but can't wait to hear peeps!!
Had to put one in that I think is a 3-4 days behind the others for some reason. Do you think the higher humidity will make a difference for it? I put them in a pressed-paper egg carton. Do you lay yours down or do you carton them? This is so exciting!! Downer is, I have to work today and Wed, official hatch day! Kinda nervous about leaving them today. Can't watch humidity closely. I put some water in the middle chamber about 1/2 full. Hope it's ok. Talk at you this eve.!! Maybe you will have a bunch of peeps this eve.
You might look up on here how to float them to test them. Did you candle? I hung on to six the last hatch and finally threw them away. Not strong enough to open them and look!

But yes, at least float them and check and see!

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