Little Giant Hatch Along

I know this is late but 99.5 - 101 degrees , humidity between 65 - 70 even 75 is ok and a lot of people will disagree it really depends on where your from and how humid your home is so between 65 - 70 % is a nice medium goal.

I'm not sure with a still air, but I've read 101 deg for temps. As for humidity, I agree with StormyMoon. I kept mine between 65-70, but since they started hatching it was up to 80. Even this morn, (we had 2 more hatch since 3am!) the humidity was up to 82. I have a little cap over one of the plugs that I can move, adjusted it over about halfway to let some moisture out. I even opened up the window a few mins (3-4) and it is now down to 76-78. It probably wouldn't matter, but my windows get fogged up and I can's see my babies!!! 7/12 hatched so far!!
Maybe another pip, but cant tell very well. I'm gonna try to post some pics today. I'm kinda electronically challenged!
BTW, is anyone having trouble with your computer being very slow on this site, or is it just mine?
Also you want to watch how much condensation you get from the humidity on the LG Incubators I have short circuited 2 so far with too much humidity it gets the main board wet where the nob is and thats never good. When you see the windows fog up too much and start to drip you have too much going on. Trial and error is the best way to learn, but if you can spare some heart ache a little share your methods and knowledge with everyone. Each of our experiences are so different...

Good Hatching everyone!
Thanks for the info on the condensation and circuit board! Never thought of that! I have Pics!!!!! they aren't the greatest! It's kinda hard to see thru the glass (plastic) of the bator. so here goes!!! So far 7/12!! These are my new fuzzybutts!
http:/This is one was hatched last nite around 3-3:30am. You can see the carton pretty well in this pic.

This was the last one hatched this morn about 7-7:30! He's still wet!

This is the first 5 that hatched out yesterday!

This is the first one hatched! Someone was wanting to see the carton i believe, this is a better pic. But aren't they beautiful!!!
I know this is late but 99.5 - 101 degrees , humidity between 65 - 70 even 75 is ok and a lot of people will disagree it really depends on where your from and how humid your home is so between 65 - 70 % is a nice medium goal.

Well, it just so happens that is exactly where I am and have made my mind up to hold steady! Thanks for your is the second guessing thing!
Mine are hatching today, 5 have hatched so far. I also have a lg still air, can't wait to see how many are going to hatch
p.s. I also have a homemade bator made out of a cooler, have hatched one bunch on it.
the greatest site!!!! and Congratulations
on your hatch!!
I hatched 5 yesterday and 2 this morn! How many did you have set? I started with 13, 1 wasn't fertile, and I don't think the other 5 that are left are going to do anything. I'm going to give them thru tomorrow just to make sure. I want to give them all the chances they can get!! Thats awesome about your homemade bator! Next time you can FILL them BOTH up!!!
Mine was a bum hatch.
Lost one to shrink wrapping, and have two surviving out of 40-some eggs. Blerg!

I suspect they were handled too much with the whole egg turner-outage debacle. I have ordered a new motor for my turner and we'll try again next week with a mix of shipped and local eggs.

I do feel like I learn a little something extra with every hatch.

Oh, I was wondering, could my old dirty incubator be part of the problem? I clean it as well as I can with vinegar and water and leave it in the sun to dry, but there are still old yucky yolk stains from before I even acquired the thing.
I'm so sorry about your hatch!
What a bummer! Hope your next one goes better. It doesn't sound like it was your fault. Once you get the turner fixed, you will be off and running!!! I'm not sure about the bator being part of the problem. I guess it could be. But cleaning it with vinegar-water and in the sun, I would think that would do it. But i'm not sure of the properties of foam. May be it harbors bacteria deep in side, especially if there are stains in there. Maybe you could use bleach water next time and let it set for a spell, then put it in the sun. Sun evaporates clorine, then rinse it and dry it out very well. I wonder if you took a hot hair dryer to dry it if that would help or not. Just throwing out some suggestions!! Here's to your next hatch!

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