Little Giant Incubator Tricks

I ended up with 4/7 that went into lockdown progressing successfully hatching, 1 that died mid hatch and 2 that I do believe were dead prior to hatch day. Those 2 were questionable on lockdown day, but I wanted to give them a fair chance.

Of the 4 I had:
1 white silkie/jap cross
1 blue? silkie/jap cross ---- color is questionable!
Of those 2 both have feathered feet, and the black one has yellow toes and white feathers on the feet....

1 black silkie with black skin, 5 toes and feathered feet


one LF egg hatch----is black with white feathering and what appears to be slate legs, but could be green? Not 100% sure yet!

I now have the 24 in the coolerbator cooking away!

I will post more pictures later
I raise bourbon reds and sweetgrass-- need some eggs in the spring??


Yes would love to raise some Sweetgrass and Bourbons. :) I found a lady near me who has Royal Palm eggs coming on too. I need another incubator lol.
I ended up with 4/7 that went into lockdown progressing successfully hatching, 1 that died mid hatch and 2 that I do believe were dead prior to hatch day. Those 2 were questionable on lockdown day, but I wanted to give them a fair chance.

Of the 4 I had:
1 white silkie/jap cross
1 blue? silkie/jap cross ---- color is questionable!
Of those 2 both have feathered feet, and the black one has yellow toes and white feathers on the feet....

1 black silkie with black skin, 5 toes and feathered feet


one LF egg hatch----is black with white feathering and what appears to be slate legs, but could be green? Not 100% sure yet!

I now have the 24 in the coolerbator cooking away!

I will post more pictures later

I haven't started incubating yet but I have an RIW girl who is seriously broody so I put some RIR eggs under her today. Chicks due to hatch around March 2nd. I ate a couple of the eggs for breakfast to check and see if they were fertile and they were.

I really like the RIR's they are such pretty birds imo. I thought I would try some RIW's this year, I didn't even know there was any! They look big and sturdy and pretty. We enjoyed lots of eggs from the RIR'S .. can hardly wait for some fresh eggs at my own house again.

When I was a kid the only pet I could have was chickens. I had bantams, cornish game hens, RIR's and Plymouth rocks.. The Rock rooster would get after my little sisters... LOL that was funny to see but I did protect them from him. My pretty banty rooster would come in the house much to my grandmothers dismay. That banty roo would sit the eggs with the cornish.. so cute.
Just wanted to say also
I love my RIW's they are the true Rose Comb Rhode Island Whites. Not to many people raise them so they are pretty rare. I also show them at poultry shows. I will be showing them and have some for sale at the poultry show in Inverness, FL at the Citrus County fairground auditorium on Saturday February 22nd.
CMOM, nice! yes thats what I want to raise, is the rose combs :) Do you sell and ship eggs?

ARIEL, thanks yes I will keep watch for when you have eggs!! thanks so much! just put me on the list now :D thanks :p

The Royal Palms lady is close enough I can go pick the eggs up she doesn't ship them. There is one person for a dozen ahead of me.

I haven't found but a couple of people raising heritage turkeys in my area yet. ;/
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I dry hatched and basicly all I did was add water to one outer well when I loaded incubator at day 7 filled the ring again day 14 did the same on day 18 filled all the rings added a damp sponge on top of wire but not touching eggs and my first hat ever which was Jan 20th I hatched 43 of 45 eggs that made it to lock down I'm on second hatch now tmrw I go into lock down and 66 of 66 eggs are going into lock down a lot of my eggs are small silkie eggs hope this help everyone has their own opinion about hatching but I live in northern Arkansas and this is what works for my area
This is my first year incubating . Idk how to figure out humidity? How often should I put water in it? Any first time advice I'm setting them tonight.

If you have read this thread, there is a lot of great advice. I also dry incubate which means during incubation I keep my humidity around 35% plus or minus and on day 18 I kick up the humidity to around 70/75%. I have had excellent hatches. You need a hygrometer to measure the humidity.

Hygrometers can be tested by putting 1/2 cup salt and 1/4 cup water in a dish or jar and mixing it to a slurry. Put the salt slurry jar and the hygrometer next to each other but not touching each other in a sealed plastic bag. After 8-12 hours the hygrometer should read 75%...again note and differences and you're set.

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