Little Giant Incubator Tricks

I don't worry about the humidity for the first 18 days of incubation. I did install a fan in mine. If I need to raise the humidity a little I put a damp sponge in on the side where the turner motor is on. It will slip right in there. I dry incubate and raise the humidity when I take the turner out and set the eggs for hatching on day 18 by filling the reservoirs and putting a half pint mason jar in one of the corners on the opposite side from the side the cord comes out.

I use wash bottles to fill the jar or jars as needed without opening the incubator
cmom, Thanks. I did read your post about it earlier it just did not sink in. so you, DO NOT fill the reservoirs in the bottom at all during the first 18 days? That's int resting... I did also just buy a hydrometer/thermometer to help keep and extra eye on things.

I had an epic fail first hatch. 30 eggs set and not a single one hatched. I think it was my fault (too much messing with the temp) but I'm collecting my eggs for my second go round. I had a problem with the temp because here in Ohio, it has been 40-50 during the day and in the 20s at night. I have it in the basement because it stays a constant temp but 20deg temp differences do make the basement vary some. I finally figured it out though. I put thick cardboard around the incubator and I was able to keep it at a constant 100f. I just wonder what to do to help increase the oxygen during the last 3 days this time.

I also just screwed a cap onto the top to help adjust the temp better. I'm really hoping this next hatch will be better.

Many people worry about the air flow but I don't worry about that either. I keep the plugs in now during lockdown and the humidity and temp stay much steadier. I think the little holes that are in the top and bottom of the incubators are adequate. This is just my opinion.
As of right now I have a still Air, I will be getting a fan later but for this next hatch I am going to be trying the still air again. My biggest question is where should I put my thermometers to get the best temp??? I have fake eggs in right now to get my temp set before I put my eggs in. I am using a LG thermometer and I have it on top of my eggs. I also have a Thermometer/hydrometer with a probe. I am playing around with placing it on a thin piece of plastic and setting it on top of the eggs but its shape is funny and I'm not sure how well it will work. I was also going to use long older one too. It is, well its not Mercury but it looks like, anyways, its made like those old long ones. I can put it through the holes but I dont know where to put the base.

O and I LOVE your recommendation about dry incubation. I didn't fill my water base and my humidity is staying a steady 47%. I thought that was pretty good. Thanks for all your help cmom!
I don't use the thermometer that comes with the LG, it was way off and I just couldn't rmember how many degrees off it was anyways. So I replaced it with fish tank thermometers per CHookschicks instructions. Only I don't have a turner so I cut paper cups to reach the average height of the eggs I set, then cut 2 half circles on each side to rest a thermometer. Works for me anyway. This is chookschicks LG page. A good read.

Incubation Cheat Sheet - BackYard Chickens Community
After my amazing hatch the last time (17 made lockdown and 17 hatched out of 19 set). I am setting a small batch of dominique eggs today. I'm worried I set myself up for disappointment with that one. Wish me luck.

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