Little Giant Incubator Tricks

I just wanted to let you all know my very first hatch in my little giant is looking to be 90% thanks to some of the things I picked up on this very thread. I'm saying looks to be because the last 4 are only poking their beaks out at the moment. After all the bad things you hear about the lg, namely the "chick killer" nickname you can get a little intimidated about the whole process. Thanks everyone for their tips and tricks.
Congratulations on your hatch...
I am getting ready to set my first eggs in the LG incubator and I have a question about the thermometer. You all have great tips and I KNOW you can help me!! I have the turner and was trying to figure out where to put my thermometer. I have some fake eggs in there now and have a thermometer on top of them as well as right on the turner itself. The temps REALLY vary. What is the correct place for it? It is just like this thermometer, if that helps!!! PLEASE HELP before I set my eggs! :) Thanks!!
I have a thermometer/hygrometer exactly like yours and I tuck it in as you can see it in the right side of the image. I sometimes use a flashlight to get a good look at it. My hatches have been successful.

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I have a thermometer/hygrometer exactly like yours and I tuck it in as you can see it in the right side of the image. I sometimes use a flashlight to get a good look at it. My hatches have been successful.
Thank you so much for the input and image!!!! It really helps!! What temp do you keep it at when it is there?
Is your incubator a circulated air or still air? I have one of each and I just ordered a Little Giant fan for my still air. My circulated air keeps a steadier temp when it's adjusted . I also put a milk bottle cap on the thermostat control. It works great as now I can control how much I turn the knob to adjust the temp.

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