Little Giant incubator

It's a Little Giant with a 42 egg turner and fan included. Honestly, while I got one chick to hatch successfully so far, i do not recommend. The temperature gage SUCKS and it holding heat/circulating like it needs to isn't great. I got this one used and on sale, usually they're $150 new.
I've heard mixed reviews about it. I want to get mine from Coastal, ($119) because I have a 100 dollar gift card for their, and I don't know if any of the other cheaper ones are better. (So I'd basically spend $20)
Go for the NR360 if you want a bator. 150$ new, auto tuner, reliable gauges, 360 vision, external water port, and its really pretty fool proof. I think that most BYC members will recommend an NR, they're amazing!
I know, I really want one, the thing is they don't sell them at Coastal (which I have a gift card for)

But... I might just end up buying one regardless.
True, but if the one at Coastal doesn't work, then you have the price of two bator's. ;) I'd go with the nice one right out of the gate, though I definitely get the price issue.

I'll talk to Star about it and see what she thinks.

I'm not allowed to keep any chicks, plus the coop is too full, do you think anyone would want to buy silkieX12 other breeds, unvaccinated, straight run chicks? (For not much, say a dollar or two each)

I'll talk to Star about it and see what she thinks.

I'm not allowed to keep any chicks, plus the coop is too full, do you think anyone would want to buy silkieX12 other breeds, unvaccinated, straight run chicks? (For not much, say a dollar or two each)
Possibly. I would make an add for it before you incubate, and say they're available for pre-order. Then see how many bites you get. Incubate eggs based on interest, but of course ad a few extras.

I think it's a boy 🤣 lookit that honkin comb already. Momma is a brown leghorn, daddy is on OE with a tall, ehh, i think pea comb.

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