Little oddball chick; help me identify?


5 Years
Jan 2, 2015
So I went to a feedstore and bought 3 chicks. The first two look identical to what their breed is. (They are a week and a half old) However, the last chick looked like a buff orpington, and they told me it was a "buff" (They just said buff and the chick lookedlike a buff orpington so i thought they were correct. Now, the 'buff" has grown dark spots on its wings and tail feathers. I triedn looking up similar stories but I found none. Her personality is also like a buff orpington: really gentle and docile.
Pictures are attached. Her feet and beak are orange.
Can you help me?

I wish i could help, I posted one just like this about a week ago and no one could help me figure out what breed it is, mine is a bantam, im guessing your chick is the same?

Here is a picture of when the chick was younger.

and this is from just a few moments ago.

does she have feathered legs and 5 toes? if so, she looks like my Salmon Fravolles :)
Ah, yeah, I saw someone post that on another thing, but she doesn't have feathered legs or 5 toes. Thanks for the sufggetsion though. :)
I wish i could help, I posted one just like this about a week ago and no one could help me figure out what breed it is, mine is a bantam, im guessing your chick is the same?

Here is a picture of when the chick was younger.

and this is from just a few moments ago.

At least I'll have a good idea of how she'll look like when she's older. The feedstore wasn't too clear on what was what. I believe the employee pointed to a bucket with bantams and 'buffs'. She never specified which was which.
You dont live in Arkansas do you? lol I bought mine at a feed store as well. And the lady was about as helpful as the one you mentioned lol
Well I'm not sure what it is... but it's not a buff orpington. I have 11 of those.


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