Little Princess Fred...

Thanks everyone!

She certainly has a great personality ..and a vicious appetite
Around here there is a commerical with one in it I just can't remember what it is for don't they regenerate tail etc.
Axolotls are awesome for regenerating missing things ..and recovering from just about any ailment just pop 'em in the fridge and they do all the mending they need. It's great!

I haven't seen any commercials with them ..but the only tv I watch is what few shows I link to online... so I have seen one very briefly in the opening credits of True Blood (Showtime). has quite a bit of info about them ..their various morphs (colors) and their habitat, care in captivity, and so on. There are certainly "normal" morphs that are grey'ish or brown'ish, overall... and then there's the leucisitic, like Fred ..and a couple albinos also. They're all beautiful... their mere existence ..and of course, their silly frilly gills!

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