Little Rooster won't stop crowing if he can't see me.

That's why multiple options were giving in the post you had a problem with
I didn't just say kill the rooster. I think I gave choices. And my first one was to work with the bird outside. second one was to rehome bird. Last resort was culling. I'm sorry I didn't give moving as one of the choices but don't think that solves problem. You still have a rooster that is a problem. Your imprinted bird doesn't seem to be a problem for you or panicking to the point of stress or making nuisance noises And no your opinion is not offensive to me at all. I'm sorry mine seemed to be to you.
Everything’s know is solved the op told me she would never kill em etheir work with him or keep him inside😊
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Stop spoiling him and send him outside where he
I say 3 choices,1. Stop spoiling him and put him outside and see if he gets over it. 2. Rehome him and spare the neighbors. 3. Invite him to dinner.
he is spoiled for sure. Hoping once my neighbors leave for vacation we can work on him being outside for longer. Let him “cry it out” like a baby.
That sounds adorable, even if inconvenient! He'll probably grow out of it. With growing things, human or animal, it seems like everything is a phase - they change so much as they grow and develop - until they even out after passing puberty and settling into adulthood. Don't just dump him outside right away - he'll stress himself out and annoy the neighbors. Start weaning him gradually while still in the house. Leave the room for longer and longer stretches so he can practice getting over it. I imagine you've done this already - to go to the bathroom at least, or to leave the house for errands or anything (unless you haven't left the house since he hatched). Keep stretching the time you are away until he can survive a full day. Then start taking him outside. By then he should be better able to handle it. If he can't do a full day outside quite yet, do the gradual extinction method outside as well. Eventually, he'll get used to it. Chickens are very adaptable. You just need to be comfortable with letting him stress for a bit in order to get there. But he'll be fine. Good luck!
Thank you. This is what I’m trying and thankfully my neighbors are leaving soon for vacation so I can let him scream it out longer outdoors. I am not sure how long is safe to leave him throwing a tantrum. Not sure if chickens can drop dead from stress. Hope not.
Thank you. This is what I’m trying and thankfully my neighbors are leaving soon for vacation so I can let him scream it out longer outdoors. I am not sure how long is safe to leave him throwing a tantrum. Not sure if chickens can drop dead from stress. Hope not.
Hopefully everything works out for the best for both you and your rooster.
Thank you. This is what I’m trying and thankfully my neighbors are leaving soon for vacation so I can let him scream it out longer outdoors. I am not sure how long is safe to leave him throwing a tantrum. Not sure if chickens can drop dead from stress. Hope not.
Try spraying him with a water pistol each time he starts throwing a tantrum. This should cure him quickly.

This method is only to use in warm weather, so if you are living in Australia nearing winter, don't spray.

But allow normal crowing without water response.
How old is he? I have an only chick whom I hatched. I took her everywhere because she cried if I didn't. However, I had chicks arriving the week she would turn 8 weeks, so I spent a lot of time acclimating her to outdoors. At first, I stayed with her. Once she got more comfortable out there, she began straying farther and farther from me. So I went indoors. Over the course of about 3 weeks, we spent longer and longer times outside, and longer and longer times apart. She now stays out all day, and would probably sleep out there, too, if the other girls weren't constantly trying to kill her. I do have the advantage of having a fenced yard they roam in, so that helped. She also periodically wants to come in to nap on my lap, but she doesn't cry for me, and in the morning, she asks to go out.

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