Little Sitting Hen Incubator


8 Years
Jan 21, 2012
Does anyone know any thing about these?
We purchased one at an estate auction a few years ago.
I am not sure if we have all of the parts or not.
Not even sure if we would be better of scrapping it and buying a new "TSC" type incubator.
Does anyone know of a website/ place where directions or manual could be found for this item?
My son is a 5th grader and would like to cross breed and hatch a few chicks-- nothing large scale.
Any suggestions on either the "Little Sitting Hen" or recommendations for another purchase?
Thanks in advance.
This question has to do with a "Little Setting Hen" incubator. Sorry for any subject issues.
That's not a name I'm familiar with but would like to see it and see if we can help. I've heard you can't post pictures until you have at least 10 posts. Go join in on a few threads and get your post count up then come back here and show us some pictures of the incubator in question. Few people here would name the Little Giant from TSC as their first choice.
Thanks for your info and I will try to get the pictures posted

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