little sneezes OH NO!


15 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Fitzwilliam NH
I noticed just today that my two week old chicks are starting to give little sneezes.
I know they need medication to get them better, I just don't know what medication? Please somebody help me out!
It's sporadic. I use pine shavings for bedding. Do you think it's just environmental? There is always one chick or another stirring up the shavings, dust bathing, and usually right next to the feeder where other chicks have scratched out starter into the shavings. I hadn't though something simple like environmental causes, I just automatically jumped to 'they must be sick.'
Well definitely dont discount the problem, and be as proactive as possible. But depending on your brand of shavings, its highly possible that the pine oils may be causing them to sneeze. Do you know if your shavings are kiln dried?

As well, what kind of feed are you feeding them. Crumbles with a lot of dust and powder could be causing them to sneeze as well.

If they continue to sneeze, try lining the brooder with play sand instead of shavings and see if that helps. If they start to look listeless and the sneezing gets worse, definitely move to a health related treatment.
Thanks! I'm pretty sure the shavings I use are kiln dried but not sure 100% They are getting Blue Seal Starter which is mostly fine particles with a few larger bits of corn mixed in. The chicks love it but they sure can make a mess with it. I even use a feeder that is designed so they shouldn't be able to make a mess, but, that's what chicks do and they are extremely talented at it, lol.
I agree, don't use antibiotics until you're sure you have a problem. Sounds environmental to me so far. Continue to monitor for other symptoms.

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