Little tykes house


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 8, 2013
I've never had chickens and I've been looking and learning as much as I can over the last year. I think I'm going to take the plunge and get a few. I'm not sure what kind yet, I have a hatchery near me and I'm hoping they'll help with the breed, but I'm looking to get 4 chickens. I have a little tykes playhouse that I'm going to convert into the coop along with an old swing set I'm going to use for building the run.

My question is does anyone have a plan on converting the playhouse into a coop? I've found tons of pictures but nothing that is really helping me. Should I build a platform for it to sit on or should I leave it on the ground? Should I put the nest boxes hanging out the windows or build them inside?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Here's the playhouse I'm going to convert
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Sorry I thought I put that I'm in NJ in the original post. Winter get cold, especially this past winter. I did find some more post with the little tykes house but any tips would be appreciated.

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