Littles relaxing in nest box?


Free Ranging
May 10, 2020
Chester, Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
My littles are 11 weeks old now. They have been in the coop with the 2 big girls for several weeks. Everyone seems to be co-existing very well and the littles are roosting at night with the big girls. This afternoon I found the having a siesta in the nest box, is this anything I should be concerned about or discouraging? I can’t block the nest boxes off incase the big girls need to come in and lay but should I be shooing them out? Like I said they are roosting at night, right now they just want some quiet time I guess?! Thoughts?

Gladys and Ethel having a siesta
I'm thinking it's probably a behavior that they will grow out of. :fl
I hope so!!! It’s not like they don’t have a ton of other places to nap!!! Lol and since I’m home today the coop/run door is open and they have access to the great outdoors! And yet they choose to sit inside the nest box!
Thanks @sourland
Some chicks like to play in/around nest boxes. As long as they don't just stay in there all day (or night!) I just let them explore them as part of the environment.

So far I've found they're much better about learning to use nest boxes when they can play in them as young 'uns, than if they don't explore the boxes early on.
Some chicks like to play in/around nest boxes. As long as they don't just stay in there all day (or night!) I just let them explore them as part of the environment.

So far I've found they're much better about learning to use nest boxes when they can play in them as young 'uns, than if they don't explore the boxes early on.
Thanks very much for the reply. That’s what they seem to be doing - exploring and playing. They definitely aren’t setting up a permanent camp!
I gave my littles a box to be their "safe place". The coop was just too much of a wide open space. By the time the box got yucky and had to be removed they felt much better about the scary world.

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