liver tumor???


Jul 8, 2017
So I had to put down my black Orpington rooster this morning. He was one year old, and the last few days he had been acting off. He was normally quite aggressive and full of spunk and all of the sudden he started acting like he was depressed and developed milky yellow diarrhea. His comb also didn't look good it was so red it was almost looking purple.He hadn't crowed for two days and wouldn't walk around the pen, he just laid on the ground. We decided that since he was so mean that we wouldn't try to nurse him back to health.
I did an at home autopsy and I found what I think is a liver tumor. Everything else looked good though, lungs, heart, kidneys all looked good as far as I can tell. He was dewormed in April. I had him in a pen with 5 hens, all the birds are a commercial layer ration from the feed store. I dont give them treats other than the odd bit of scrap veggies and fruit from the house. The coop gets a total clean out every 7-10days and they are outdoors foraging in the yard most of the day. The coop gets well ventilated as it has widows I can open to let some air in, and I havent seen a mouse or evidence of mice for a while now, I did have mice in the fall but I got that under control. So I guess what I'm trying to say is what on earth made him sick? This picture shows his liver. It was quite mushy when I removed it, it kinda fell apart, and it had that odd spotted ball with it too. Is that a tumor?


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I am not familiar with organs, so I am using your experience as a learning one. I tagged a few people who have much more knowledge, that may be able to offer you some advice.

@casportpony @BantyChooks @Wickedchicken6
What do y'all think?
Last edited: that round ball looking thing at the top the tumor?
Let me say I have not done many necropsies or butchering, but that looks like an adenoma, a smooth round growth, that looks similar to to tissue in which you found it. However there look to be spots on it which probably are fibrosis or scar tisue inside the adenoma, which can be common with them. Hopefully others with more experience will chime in, or any vets out there lurking.

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