Living on a cruise ship full-time - could you?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Dh and I watched a program on the Travel channel last night about a ship called the World. Unlike a traditional cruise ship, the World is a floating city with full-time residents. It has apartments, shopping malls, restaurants, a library, museum and more. Minimum wealth requirement is five million dollars. The ship continuously circumnativgates the globe, stopping at ports of call the residents pick.

My dream, should I ever win the lottery (hard to do since I don't play it) would be to live on a houseboat full time, traveling up and down the intercoastal waterways of Florida. It never occured to me that the same sort of thing would be possible on a cruise ship.

I traveled extensively when I was younger, including taking a few cruises. DH has never been on a cruise ship and has no desire to be.

So, my question for you is this... If you were filthy rich and could afford it, would you want to live on a cruise ship full-time?
i dont think i could.
boy i wish i had the money tho!! i checked out the link...def for the rich folks. interesting concept.
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Not unless I could have my chickens with me.... and a couple geese, plus some ducks.

Had I NOT discovered chicken-keeping, I could have done it. I have been on two short cruises and I loved the experience! I don't care about ports of call all that much; I just loved the positive ions from the moving water. I was out on deck a great deal of the time, just loving the ocean. And because the food was never-ending and room service was wonderful, I think I could do that. With a large enough cabin (if I were filthy rich, I'd get a good-sized cabin) and some place to keep poultry... I could do it.

Given that there probably wouldn't be poultry-keeping benefits, I guess I'll never know. Oh, and, uh.... not buying lottery tickets works to deny me the opportunity too!
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but I'd like to try for at least a month or two!!
That's exactly my feelings. With a luxurious houseboat - have you ever seen the really fancy ones?? - I could have my dogs, my cats and probably stick a chicken coop on there somewhere.
Filthy rich, my son would go the fancy houseboat route. I would buy about 200 acres of forest, stick my house and outbuildings and fences in the middle of it, hire people to do most of the work, and buy at least 100 animals: goats, chickens, pigs maybe, turkeys, ducks, maybe a few swans, geese, etc.

No cows, though. And never a cruise ship; how boring.

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