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But theres three Pharoahs? Even if both of the eggs from the bigger male hatched theres at least one Pharoah fathered by the smaller male. Unless both hatched and the bigger male fathered both blond chicks? I'm pretty sure one of the eggs in the incubator Is one from the bigger male though. So only one of the current chicks is probably his.
A regular Italian could have fathered one or all of the pharaohs. The manchurian has 2 copies of the dominant Italian gene, so he can’t produce a pharaoh. But a regular Italian that has one dominant Italian gene and one recessive pharaoh gene will produce half the chicks Italian half pharaoh.
Also remember a quail can easily stay fertile from a male she bred with once over a week before.

She hasnt been in contact with the other male in almost a month and a half. Also is there a list somewhere of the main color genes and how they usually present? Itd been cool to look it over.
If you have 3 possible males, my guess is that the more yellow chick was fathered by the darker Italian or the manchurian, the lighter chick was fathered by the big Italian, and the pharaohs were fathered by anyone besides the manchurian. But other than the manchurian will only produce Italians when crossed with a pharaoh, any other pairing is possible. Natures does what it does and I’ve heard people hatch eggs laid 2 weeks after the male died and they still hatch, hens are remarkable. The smaller of the Italians, does it have black feathers in its head and neck area?
She hasnt been in contact with the other male in almost a month and a half. Also is there a list somewhere of the main color genes and how they usually present? Itd been cool to look it over.
I’m not sure if there’s a list, a lot you just kind of pick up as you go, and hear others talking about it .

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