Locking chickens in coop for the night, a neccessity if they have a run?

A small window would work fine. As far as the run it seems hardware cloth is the best secure choice. Chicken wire is great at keeping chickens inside but still predators can chew right through it. I would also recommend the top be secured with hardware cloth or roof panels which will greatly help in bad weather conditions such as rain, snow, etc. Best of luck to you and your birds! They are such fun and so interesting.

p.s I do lock my flocks up each night inside the barn. Always better safe than sorry.
I'm thinking of doing welded wire instead of hardware cloth... it seems a bit sturdier. Thoughts?

And thanks for the luck! I'm so excited to get some hens. :)
Weasels can get through a hole the size of a mouse hole. I'd still say better to be safe than sorry, and close those girls up at night. You can make a window in the coop, but be sure to cover it with hardware cloth that is 1/2 by 1/2 inch squares. You would not believe the animals that come out at night. I got a game cam and discovered, skunks, racoons, foxes and coyotes creeping around my coop.
If a bear wanted chickens...you can bet he'll get in...no matter what you do. I lock my girls in the Chicken Penitentiary every night, and say a prayer.
I have 6 ft. chicken wire, buried a foot into the ground, layered with 4 ft welded wire around the out side of it, and 3 guard donkeys around the run area, and I still close up my chickens in the coops at night! lol!
When you cut a window in the coop, make sure you use hardware cloth and tack it down tight! A screen will get ripped out easily. We not only tacked it down on the inside, we framed it with 1x2's screwed over it.

Quote: DITTO to that MrsRodgers!!
OK I have to ask this, with all of you locking your birds down like a prison camp, How many of you actually have a shotgun or rifle to take care of the predators you are trying to keep out? I get the precautions I really do ( I have my run covered and have triple wire up in all sides of the run and hot wires at ground level) but where is yalls solution to handle a problem animal that gets too close/in/or attacks your flocks?
Hot wire is a good deterrent to some animals agreed. I currently have 17kV on my lines right now but its a pulse fence. seems to drive animals through it rather then deter them. Goats especially, and my fence hurts ( i know from experience there lol) BUT 7L that's still a deterrent not a final solution when the predator is already attacking or attack is eminent.
Hot wire isn't an option, too many roaming children in the neighborhood that I feel the parents of would not be happy if their kids got zapped.

I'll have to lock them up at night. Do you guys put food/water in the coop overnight?
If a bear wanted chickens...you can bet he'll get in...no matter what you do. I lock my girls in the Chicken Penitentiary every night, and say a prayer.

No bears here... I don't know how you guys do it, if I knew there were bears hanging out in my neighborhood I don't think I'd ever leave the house, LOL!
Kids learn real fast not to touch hot wires ;) We have horses so our entire property is lined with 6 hot wires and 4 barbed. I have feed constantly available in the coop and troughs outside. Water is only outside

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