Locking chickens in coop for the night, a neccessity if they have a run?

Think they'd both look cuter as non-chicken-eating rugs.... just sayin. Good they leaving you alone tho :)

Ha! No kidding, friend...a bear rug or two would look great in my log home. I just got 6 more chicks..and I am determined that they won't be bear food, ever.

Our flock can come and go as they please in the run.
I used cattle panels with chicken wire atached,along with a few strands of electric fence along the outside bottom.
So far,no predator issues.Main predators around here are coyotes,coons,hawks,stray dogs,ect.
Well, saying a prayer didn't help this time. Last night a black bear climbed the 6 ft chainlink fence and got into the chicken run. He ripped off the side of the coop, and my beautiful Goose (Blue Andalusian) flew out and he took her away before we could get down there. She was the top hen of the group, and I feel in my heart she went out to distract him so the rest could be saved. I feel like throwing up. I didn't sleep all night. I am going out to get barbed wire so I can string it along the top of the fence in a coil. I am also getting ammonia, and putting soaked rags there, too. I've got to get wood to reinforce my coop, and a motion sensor light. I am going to hang wind chimes on the fence too, so I can hear him before he gets to the coop. I won't leave the girls in there tonight..I took them out last night after the break in and put them in the garage. I knew he would come back, and he did, 2 more times. DOW is bringing us more rubber bullets. I feel awful right now. I am also buying an air horn. Any other ideas?
I'm so sorry. What an awful thing. I have invested in a motion detector that sends a wireless signal to a box I can put on my nightstand. I haven't put it up yet, but I can't wait to have it working.

Someone else here uses a baby monitor, and keeps it on low at night, right next to her bed.

Of course you may need a shotgun to back up those alarms.
I'm so sorry. What an awful thing. I have invested in a motion detector that sends a wireless signal to a box I can put on my nightstand. I haven't put it up yet, but I can't wait to have it working.

Someone else here uses a baby monitor, and keeps it on low at night, right next to her bed.

Of course you may need a shotgun to back up those alarms.
Ive had good luck the last few days. The cold snap killed off the weaker chicks, normally i burn them to ash this time i use them as bait. 4 coons have met mr shotgun AND when they go for the bait i dont have to fire at my coop at all. :)

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