Log cabin


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 16, 2014
I'm thinking of building a log cabin and cut my own wood to build it. Have any of y'all done this and if so can you say how you built it.
yes, me too! You might be able to find better results if you go on a logging/ cabin building forum but BYC is still worth a try. I found myself building it up about 2 feet and then getting lazy. Good luck.
Alright, so log cabin was mentioned but since this hasn't moved any in a month- I am planning to do a sawmill lumber cabin. The thing is that I have a look in mind and what I'd like inside but no actual design plan. I've got the space and an idea but that seems to be all!:) Sawmill isn't far at all and the price is pretty good. Should I just get one of the small/simple cabin plan books? It's hard when you just want to get started on building instead of researching more and more....
I would buy a book.
Alright, so log cabin was mentioned but since this hasn't moved any in a month- I am planning to do a sawmill lumber cabin. The thing is that I have a look in mind and what I'd like inside but no actual design plan. I've got the space and an idea but that seems to be all!:) Sawmill isn't far at all and the price is pretty good. Should I just get one of the small/simple cabin plan books? It's hard when you just want to get started on building instead of researching more and more....

Research is great..but at some point you'll just have to get in there and slam some trees together and build something. Keep things level, plumb and square as you go along and just DO it. Even if you get to the end and wish you had done this or that to it along the way, you will at least have something accomplished and you can tweak it up from there.
I helped build 1 . guy i was helping had + used a bandsaw sawmill. we hand noched the corners ,bought the chincking-putting that in was kinka borring and costly but it last if ur logs are dry and clean . the log walls part was easyer than i thought it might be -more work in rafter and roof+ floor it was 20x40 with part a upstairs. 1 THING THINGS WENT PRETTY GOOD EXCEPT TOP ROW OF LOGS FELL AT ONE POINT we were useing a front end loader and 1 one fell pulled another off was kinka close to getting me we were useing our native oak + these logs were heavy. all in all a great experance of a life time for me i might not ever get to live in one but i did help build one and if God willing it will be there alot longer than I'm around. redneck where u at ?

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