
Just checked again and abdo doesn't seem swollen. she does feel really hot when I touch her skin tho...
Chickens feel warm - "normal" temp ranges from 105-107F
Could be that she's got a fever.

I would get her hydrated. It's good that she will eat out of your hand, but she needs fluids if she hasn't been drinking. A small cup held up to her beak may encourage her. I've found that my poorly hens will drink out of a chick waterer (of all things).

This is her just now... does she look pale?
If you have vegamite, that might be good to add to her water with a little sugar or honey, plus it has vitamins. Here is another recipe for homemade electrolytes until you can get something for chickens or animals:

Yes she looks pale. Has she seemed to have lost weight while she slept in the nest box? How long was she doing that? Hens who have stopped laying or molting may have a pale or shrunken comb, but she obviously has something else going on. You can get some extra fluids into her possibly by mixing water or broth into some of her usual chicken feed. A bit of egg or plain yogurt can be good as well.

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