Lone chick needs a name

Sorry - wasn't really on yesterday. We put an addition on our house and sometimes I get busy with that "stuff".

All of these are good names but "Echo" just strikes me as the right one. Thanks Miss Jayne! I like that it's pretty unisex and just a little bit different.
I'll have to get a picture of them together and post it for you all. Maybe later - it's a 105 heat index right now.

I already turned out some 3 day old chicks with no heat lamp today. It's that hot...
How about LUCKY,, sounds like it might be lucky to be alive, i did that while transporting some once, i was lucky and pulled over to check on them and seen they were in distress from heat, it ended well,, yep LUCKY is a good name:
Here are the pictures I said I'd get. April is looking a lil' shoddy right now. He is molting some and my EE hen beats him up every morning. She has pulled out most of his bow tie


And here is his protege, newly named Echo. It was hard to get a close up - my chicks are hen - raised and tend to run from people until they are older and discover treats. Then watch them come running


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