Lone Roost-er

Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
I have one hen, an amaraucana, that roost alone. On one side of the coop there is a three tiered roost, where all the others sleep. Across from there there is a ledge, about 3 feet across and 1 foot deep, and there is a window. the amaraucana sleeps in the corner by the window. At night it has been getting below freezing. Will she get to cold by herself?
I have one hen, an amaraucana, that roost alone. On one side of the coop there is a three tiered roost, where all the others sleep. Across from there there is a ledge, about 3 feet across and 1 foot deep, and there is a window. the amaraucana sleeps in the corner by the window. At night it has been getting below freezing. Will she get to cold by herself?
It might get frostbite on its comb, but i'v heard of using some kind of gel on the chickens comb, but I don't know for sure.

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