Lonely single chick

Well what're you going to do with him when grows up? He needs a companion of some fluffy animal sort, he still needs food and water providing once he's older and you'll need somewhere to lock him up at night if there's any predators where you live. When he's 5/6 weeks he can live outside so he'll need a small coop and run, most importantly a friend he can roost with to keep warm. I think it'd be kindest and right to give him to someone who knows what they're doing and has the correct facilities to raise a chicken and see it through its life.
He seems to know what his plans are with it, he says he is sending it to a farm and my guess that just means processing. To me his plans are more humane than our factory farming methods. Edited--original post added a sentence.
By farm I mean a open farmland
Look I live in asia and in an urban area.
When my bird gets too big too live in my home and is unhappy , i'll send him too my village farm(we own a house there) and since I own that house I can just tell the caretaker to take care of him and not kill him.There he can roam with other chickens and live in the grasslands.This is the best we can do for him.
You would not happen to know what kind of chick it is? It looks like a meat bird chick to me but it is hard to tell from a picture and they don't hold still for portraits generally. Are you rescuing it? That is down, not true feather and he would likely need a supplemental heat or a warm spot at the least. If you use a light or whatever heat source you decide... be careful about fire hazard. You can mix the crumble with water to make a porridge. Chicks like that and they eat more while hydrating. You are in Great Britain somewhere I take it? There are many friendly chicken people there who could give you a hand. Good luck with him. I hope it works out for you.
Somewhere in a tropical environment in Asia.
I keep him in a plastic basket with newspaper flooring , which i change daily and keep a towel in the basket for insulation.
He stops crying when someone is near him and chirps happily.I keep him outside the veranda (not in it )for sunlight .At 6pm I try to make the place dark so he sleeps.
He follows me around as I walk. I feed him crushed feed and water. He is healthy enough to jump out the basket and nowadays he doesnt even sleep on the towels. I dont know his exact age but I have had him for about 6 days and could guess the guy who sold him had him for a few days too.
can you post a photo? I don't know what the temps are like where you live, but I have three that are 8 and 6 weeks of age, and while they have their second set of feathers I still supply a heater for them, they need warmth, what kind of crushed food are you giving him? he needs chick starter and do you give him vitamins in the water? this is a great place to learn, this is my first year and I have learned alot. Also make sure you can have roosters in the area you live. Baby chicks can appear healthy but have internal issues starting inside that you won't notice until it rears it's ugly head. From the sounds of it you have a chick that is less then two weeks old and that baby needs warmth and real food. The person who sold you this chick should have gone over all of that with you, and if I were selling chicks I would want to make sure that they are going to a home that is ready for them. as they say the cheapest thing about the horse, is the horse and same applies to chickens. and if he stops crying when you approach it could be because he thinks your going to fix what is wrong, you holding him is warmth, towels don't have alot of warmth and the can catch their nails in them

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