Lonely single chick

can you post a photo? I don't know what the temps are like where you live, but I have three that are 8 and 6 weeks of age, and while they have their second set of feathers I still supply a heater for them, they need warmth, what kind of crushed food are you giving him? he needs chick starter and do you give him vitamins in the water? this is a great place to learn, this is my first year and I have learned alot. Also make sure you can have roosters in the area you live. Baby chicks can appear healthy but have internal issues starting inside that you won't notice until it rears it's ugly head. From the sounds of it you have a chick that is less then two weeks old and that baby needs warmth and real food. The person who sold you this chick should have gone over all of that with you, and if I were selling chicks I would want to make sure that they are going to a home that is ready for them. as they say the cheapest thing about the horse, is the horse and same applies to chickens. and if he stops crying when you approach it could be because he thinks your going to fix what is wrong, you holding him is warmth, towels don't have alot of warmth and the can catch their nails in them
e posted photos already im sure it is page 2
For your information I dont want to eat my chicken and am not going too...
There’s really nothing wrong with eating chickens. I have raised meat birds and culled them myself.
Not all chickens are for eggs or entertainment.
I just wonder why you would get a single chick with no experience and no provisions.
It actually seems quite cruel, to do the right thing would be to find someone that has a flock of chickens and give the chick away.
Perhaps it was an impulsive purchase for you because they are cute fluffy little creatures when they are only days old.
I’m not judging you, so you don’t have to get defensive.
We’ve all been impulsive in our lives at one point or another.
The thing is this is a living breathing creature that needs to have a natural life surrounded by other chickens.
Chickens are flock birds and need to be around other chickens.
To put the chicken into a bucket is cruel even though I’m sure you’re not intending for it to be that way.
I’ve been raising chickens for seven years and I have plenty of experience.
If you want to get into raising chickens then you need to have more than one chicken and provide the proper basic necessities for them. You need a shelter to protect them from predators as nighttime is so dangerous for chickens.
Your little chick will not survive without it. It’s hard enough to raise chickens and protect them from predators even when you have everything they need.
Daytime hawk attacks are very common and having lots of places for chickens to take shelter is important if you free range like I do. Even still, things happen. My dogs love my chickens and are very protective and know the sound they make when they are feeling threatened. My dogs run out looking for hawks and chase them away.
I’ve stopped having small breeds because it’s too hard to keep them and have them free range in Florida with the amount of Redtail hawks that we have.

Sorry you took offense, was not my intention
Mind explaining what a meat bird chicken is?
Yes... a "meat bird" is a bird that is bred from larger stock, and genetically tends to grow very fast in a short time (to be used to eat). They are usually fully grown and slaughtered within three months. This is opposed to a chicken that is bred to lay eggs. (They are generally not the same) Meat birds get very big very fast while a egg laying breed (A Rhode Island Red for example) would be lighter (and quicker) and will lay lots of eggs. (providing it is a hen) LOL.
??? What? ??? We don't eat chickens in Georgia? Or England? That is some kind of wrong and I am going to say you didn't mean it the way it came out and leave it at that..
I'm sure you are correct here it couldn't have been intentional. I make so many grammar errors myself and am glad to hear the bird isn't being raised for slaughter. If it is anything like our meat bird breeds here in the US that fall off of trucks on the way to a processor....it won't live a very long life :fl:fl:fl wherever the OP is it isn't bred to the point it will be unable to even walk at 6 months of age.

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