Long Islanders.... I know you are out there

The americauna's are cool. I just won an auction for bielefelder hatching eggs and crested cream legbar eggs really excited about hatching out those 2 breeds
St James here, just getting into chickens. I ordered 6 Ameracaunas / Easter Eggers from a feed store. I'm building a 4x4 coop and am still figuring out the run size. Some people think I'm crazy for wanting chickens on a 1/4 acre in the middle of town. There are no restrictions in Smithtown, just hoping I don't get a rooster.

Pic of the coop so far.

Looking good. I'm jealous on the no restrictions. We have some. We have had chickens for a few years now. We got our first chicks this year and they are so much fun. They are about 8 weeks old now and getting ready to move outside. We had the brooder in the house when they were babies.
Thanks, it's a pretty easy design to build. One thing is lumber is expensive, everything adds up. I already had some of the material which cut some costs down.

How many of you have chickens on a 1/4 acre?
We got a variety of them but some are partridge Cochin, deleware, buff chantceler, australorp, 2 Easter eggers, dominique, red Sex link and a few other breeds I can't remember. Lol

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