Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

As night falls upon the kingdom of Brahmalot, the youngsters grab a last bite of dinner ...

before retiring for the night.

Goodnight sweet princes and princesses - Tomorrow is another day of the neverending story!
Love all the updates from the last time I looked, especially about dear Princess Stupid/Jiffy Pop!
This was like a good book that one cannot put down. What an epic. I started from page one on the first post and couldnt put it down. Well I did get up and go get another cup of coffee. Okay, two cups of coffee. Very entertaining.

The return of beautiful weather brings the return of romance. Princess Stupid (aka Jiffy Pop) and Prince Lucky are beginning to speak again, although he has caught the eye of many of the ladies of the court.

Other young princesses take a moment of rest..

A new batch of youngsters long for the day they are big enough to go exploring in the big world

Meanwhile, the ugly chickling is still, well, you know ...

Coming soon, Beauty and the Beast, starring Prince Solo as The Beast!
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Everyone enjoys their late afternoon snack of cracked corn and black oil sunflower seed.

Even neighbors are welcome to enjoy snack time. It is a peaceful time in Brahmalot.

Princess Jiffy Pop (aka Princess Not-So-Stupid) gets a head start - sharing is not her strong suit!
Im getting ground squirrels making holes right in my run to steal the corn too. And now they had babies oh no I've got to do something about them.

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