Longest time I should wait to call it quits?

Arnul Torres

In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2024
I'm on day 22 and I thought these chicks werent gonna hatch. They're all starting to hatch but I was wondering whats the longest I should wait to call it quits? And when, if should I, jump in to give some of these chicks help if it seems they're struggling to come out?

I was told also that you shouldnt take any of the chicks out the last 3 days. How long can I keep them in there without them starving cause thats another thing I was worried about.

Thank you for any help and advice.
I was told also that you shouldnt take any of the chicks out the last 3 days. How long can I keep them in there without them starving cause thats another thing I was worried about.
The chicks absorb the egg yolk just before they hatch. That makes it so they can go for about 3 days before they badly need to eat. Eating sooner will not hurt them, but waiting to eat is also fine.

I'm on day 22 and I thought these chicks werent gonna hatch. They're all starting to hatch but I was wondering whats the longest I should wait to call it quits?
I would wait until all the chicks are dry and fluffy, and you do not see any eggs hatching or with holes in the shells, then open the incubator and take out all the hatched chicks. If there are any eggs that did not hatch, I would probably leave them in the incubator for at least 2 or 3 more days, just in case they hatch really late.

And when, if should I, jump in to give some of these chicks help if it seems they're struggling to come out?
Some people say to never help chicks hatch.
Some people do help.

If you want to help, I suggest this article:

A very important point: chicks will often make a hole in the egg, then sit there moving their beak for many hours while they finish absorbing the yolk, and then finish cracking the shell to come out. While the chick is absorbing the yolk, there are many blood vessels just inside the eggshell, and trying to help it hatch will cause it to start bleeding. That can be very bad for the chick.

The article has tips about how to recognize when it is safe to help a chick (after it has finished absorbing the yolk), as well as how to help.

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