Look at these two cuties!!!


8 Years
Apr 28, 2011
Look at these! Arent they soooooo cute?!


I got them for two dollars together!
Your feed bill will be cheap on them too!

I know! Arent they adorible!

We are going alllll the way to NY and stoped in PA to visit people and went to a flea market and I saw these guys and wasnt able to walk by and not get them. First I got the one with the green ribbon, and thought they were soooo cute!so I got the other.
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First I got the one with the green ribbon, and thought they were soooo cute!so I got the other.

Well, yeah. You can't have just ONE duck, they get too lonely without other ducks around.​
m.kitchengirl :

First I got the one with the green ribbon, and thought they were soooo cute!so I got the other.

Well, yeah. You can't have just ONE duck, they get too lonely without other ducks around.​

Exactly! I told the lady I was a "duck addicked" and she said "well, in that case you can have them for half off" she was very nice, then I walked back in the tent and she said "wait, before you come in, let me guess, you want the other?" She knew! Lol!​
I want more duckorations for my house but haven't found the right thing. I wish I could knit a whole flock of those ducks. Too cute.

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