Look what I found DUMPSTER DIVING!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

and now that you told all of us, all the free one's will end up going fast and they'll start selling them for an arm and a leg!!!
Hurry!!! Everyone run out and get one before they are all gone!!!
LOL I think I read somewhere that furniture is also shipped in this kind of a box. So maybe you can check that out too!

I never stumble across goodies like this one. I've got plans to redo the ENTIRE chicken/duck area this year and this thing totally fits in perfect!

Whats funny is since I found this, I've driven behind that store a couple of times hoping to find more! LOL I can just see little coops all over our property! DH would murder me!
I wonder if they ship factory warehouse furniture in boxes like that. You know the furniture that goes for less cause of a little scratch. They must have hundred of those out back if you live near one!

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