LOOK what I found when I got home from work yesterday...


10 Years
May 26, 2009
Bucks County, PA

I thought they had 2 more days...
I was working late yesterday... knowing that the eggs weren't due to till the next day or so... I had it all planned out... I would work late Tuesday... go home for lunch on Wednesday to see if there were any pips... and, if so, get out of work early to cheer Maxine on.

Well... they had other plans... I got home around 6:45... went to take Maxine out for her daily "poop"... and there the little head was! Cute as a button... and peeping away. Not thinking... I snatched Maxine up out of the nest to see what else was there... and I found 2 fuzzies, 1 wet little baby and one egg zipped all the way around. Just as I went in for a closer look, the top popped off and there was #4. I was so excited... but this is the first time I let her keep the babies and now she don't like it when I take them... and they don't like me when I take them. My other babies (3 weeks old now) come running when they see me and have from the beginning.

I guess it is okay... she is a good mommy and is very dedicated to caring for them.


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