LOOK What We Got Today....!!!

LOL! It is so true.

I think it was at 1 yrs old when our Pyr became an obstinate teenager. Oh the barking and the running and the chasing of chickens. Her interaction with the chickens had to be limited and we needed to watch her constantly. But, we lived through it. Now it just the frequent barking that we deal with.


Wow. You guys really know how to bust our bubble, don't you?

...but, not OUR puppy. He's going to be different. He's going to be the exception and not the rule.

LOL! It is so true.

I think it was at 1 yrs old when our Pyr became an obstinate teenager. Oh the barking and the running and the chasing of chickens. Her interaction with the chickens had to be limited and we needed to watch her constantly. But, we lived through it. Now it just the frequent barking that we deal with.


Wow. You guys really know how to bust our bubble, don't you?

...but, not OUR puppy. He's going to be different. He's going to be the exception and not the rule.


lol...keep on telling yourself this!! And when you are in the middle of pulling out your hair over this bad little teenager dog, remember that he WILL be a great adult dog once he gets over that period. It will help keep you focused on the long term goal.
Don't mind a bit, Jim. We know it's all in good fun!

Your Pyr was/is adorable. I can only hope Max turns out that good.

I've printed the training tips and we are going over them.

Today during training, our pullet hens actually sat on his rump, which he didn't appreciate a bit. I didn't get to capture that in a pic, but I wish I could have. Here he is saying "hey, what about me?" when the girls got their treats.

Just found this thread - what a cutey pie! As for training, I don't think I saw 'leave it' on here, and that would be a good one for him to learn...especially when he loses his brains (along with his baby teeth) and might forget that chickens are friends, not food

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