LOOK What We Got Today....!!!

Hub says "you got that right!"

Now, he wants to know how to train him not to bite - that "I just gotta have a nibble" urge he gets.

Easy. Act like a wounded puppy. When he bites, squeal as if someone just stabbed you with a hot poker. You have to really put some feeling into it -YOWWW!… he really doesn't want to hurt, he just needs to know it hurts. He's not doing it to be mean, its just what pups do. Squealing will not make you seen "submissive" so don't worry about that. A couple well placed squawks.should do the trick.
This has to be just about the cutest puppy I've ever seen. Please don't stop sharing photos!
Hey, zazouse... guess what Max has taken to doing? My hub comes in today and complains loudly that Max is digging a BIG hole out back. Now, keep in mind this little guy is only 11 weeks old. Then I remembered this picture of your guy... who seems to be a dead ringer for Max... digging! Must be something in the genes.
Oh, digging is a favorite LGD pasttime. I have taken to leaving them a hole, and they will usually stick to that one. If you try to cover them all up, he'll just make new ones.
OK, you LGD owners....

what ELSE have you all forgotten to tell us?

How about Max's uncanny ability to impersonate Harry Houdini? We have him in an 'around the collar' and 'under the belly' harness and that little escape artist slipped it today!
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OK, you LGD owners....

what ELSE have you all forgotten to tell us?

How about Max's uncanny ability to impersonate Harry Houdini? We have him in an 'around the collar' and 'under the belly' harness and that little escape artist slipped it today!

Oh yes, the shape-shifting. They can also squeeze through a privacy fence if ONE board is missing!
Hmmm...what else have we forgot...I don't know...I guess we just forget those things because all the good things outweigh the bad so much!
For our friends at the shelter who are watching this thread:

Max had his first vet appointment today (with us). He loves the vet! Max hardly noticed when they gave him his 2nd round of puppy shots.

Max weighed 4 lbs at 6 weeks - and now, at 12 weeks today, he weighs 22 lbs! He has gained 18 lbs in 6 weeks! That's 3 lbs a week! Good night!

Otherwise, he is a fine specimen... said the vet. He said he believes he is Pyr and Saint Bernard. I looked that up and the cross is called a Saint Pyrenes - and they go for a hefty price!

But Max is priceless - he's one of a kind and we wouldn't take a million bucks for him.
you can get this stuff from the pet store called "bitter apple," it's just a nasty tasting spray that you put on your hands before initiating play with the pup. they nibble you, you taste horrible, they stop nibbling you.

... except for the 10% or so of pups that actually LIKE bitter tasting hands.


he's adorable!

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