Looking back years later it CAN be funny.... or maybe not. pg 7 <sigh>

Oh no doubt, me too!

OMG, I was having such a terrible day. PMS and the whole bit. Thank you so much for the best laugh I've probably had in YEARS.
you made me scared for you and then your cat and then what I thought was funny...was you hollering and in the bathroom and pregnant and your husband probably thought something dreadful with you and the baby and HA HA your stuck in the pot, drowndin your poor helpless cat and paying for it too!

so the cat is still here? with a crooked tail?
That was over 17 years ago and Pitcher the cat passed away 4 years ago. He lasted through 2 husbands, my pregnancy, my nephews and my nieces and the kids always asked why his tail was crooked.
When I was in my teens I had a very violent and traumatic happening in my life and one of the ways my distress manifested itself was through sleep-walking. At the time it was scary, but looking back I can laugh now.
One night when I was 16, it was snowing like crazy and I walked out the back door of our home out into the horse stalls. I was wearing a flannel nightgown and no slippers or anything else.
I went out into the middle of the paddock and climbed up on one of the barrels used for barrel racing practice. My grandmother had installed alarms on the door because I had developed this problem of leaving of the house and not knowing it.
Whenever I was feeling stressed or nervous I would walk out.
My grandmother told me she walked out of the back door and I was standing on top of this barrel singing the national anthem at the top of my lungs. I was singing that weekend at the finals in El Paso and was stressed out over it.
The only way she got me off the barrel was to tell me the grand entry was ready to ride and I was in the way.
I'm glad we lived in the middle of nowhere so no one saw or heard me in my nightgown in the snow singing the national anthem.
I used to go into my grandparents bathroom and kick the metal trashcan, plug the sink and turn on the water. My grandmother kept my grandad from shooting me. He was a Veteran with over 30 years in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, it's lucky I lived through time period.

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