Looking for a daily dose of d'uccles!

Thanks for the mention, Pippin!


I have one d'Uccle chick right now. Their name is Tuffet:

They're the one being mad over not being able to reach the roost :lau
I have velcro dogs, but no one could have told me velcro chickens were a thing until i experienced it myself!! So, only get them if you don't mind birds flying onto your back, arms, head, or shoulders while you are in the middle of anything else! If i hold and pet either of them, i need to set them down afterwards and still hold on, because they have fallen asleep!! I'll post a birthday cache of d'Uccles! 🐥 🎂 🎁 📷
The velcro is real!!! If I hold one of them, the other jumps onto me 🤣

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