Looking for a good auto coop door opener.

Thanks. I called Omelet yesterday with a few questions. They told me they were out of stock until like the second or 3rd week of July. A bummer, but nota deal breaker for me, because I'm building a new coop and it might work out since it's taking a little time to get it done. The wait for a door won't seem as long.
I didn’t buy my door until the last minute when my coop and run renovations were done, and it took very little time for the door to arrive. Good luck with your coop!
I didn’t buy my door until the last minute when my coop and run renovations were done, and it took very little time for the door to arrive. Good luck with your coop!
Thanks. I'm going with 1/2 inch hardare cloth all the way around, so hopefully it will be tight as a drum. I normally free range them throughout the day, but I think I'll give them some time in their new surroundings. It'll do us both some good. Let them make themselves to home and I can relax on my back deck with my coffee without having to chase them off. lol
Thanks. I'm going with 1/2 inch hardare cloth all the way around, so hopefully it will be tight as a drum. I normally free range them throughout the day, but I think I'll give them some time in their new surroundings. It'll do us both some good. Let them make themselves to home and I can relax on my back deck with my coffee without having to chase them off. lol
Oh they are very lucky to have that free range. I’m too paranoid for that due to the predators here!
Oh they are very lucky to have that free range. I’m too paranoid for that due to the predators here!
I llve back in the woods. It's exactly a mile to my mailbox. So yeah, I understand what you mean about the predators. I even get bears that come to my porch. There has been a hawk checking them out the last few days. I usually see animals a lot more than I see people, so I get in pretty good sync with all the sounds and warnings outside. lol I do wanna get them in a run for a while. I've been pressing my luck. The coop I have is too small and falling apart. It's okay to sleep in, but they do need better accommodations. I had a few chickens, but my friend had to get rid of his in a short time. He asked me to take them. Hence, me building a bigger coop.
I llve back in the woods. It's exactly a mile to my mailbox. So yeah, I understand what you mean about the predators. I even get bears that come to my porch. There has been a hawk checking them out the last few days. I usually see animals a lot more than I see people, so I get in pretty good sync with all the sounds and warnings outside. lol I do wanna get them in a run for a while. I've been pressing my luck. The coop I have is too small and falling apart. It's okay to sleep in, but they do need better accommodations. I had a few chickens, but my friend had to get rid of his in a short time. He asked me to take them. Hence, me building a bigger coop.
Oh my! And I thought you were in the suburbs! You haven’t lost any yet?! We’re surrounded by woods in a rural area so …. you’re brave. I’m ”chicken.” 🤣

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