Looking for a home for my 3 year old female Blue Runner Duck

I know ducklings can survive being shipped USPS because they are still living on the yolk and they also have grow-gel in their containers, but I don't believe an adult duck would survive the trauma of being shipped that way.
I got Molly and her sister as babies. I raised them in the house in a big tub. As they got older I set up a spot for them on the side yard to get their daily swimming and exercise. Then I built them an outdoor home. Molly's sister passed away within 3 months so Molly has been an only duck for pretty much of her life. If she is free ranging and I call her from far away she will come padding towards me quacking away. I have 3 dogs and she is not afraid of them, she actually chases and scares them away. She is not aggressive at all so seeing her scare my dogs is funny to me. She will follow me down my court and back home. She will hang out with me in front of my house and not leave. I really want her to have another duck friend and not just me since my children are not around much. One moved out and got 12 chickens and my son is now working full-time. My daughter does not want to deal with a pool for a duck, whereas chickens don't need one. I've made calls to local farms but didn't have any luck. I have a collage near me with a huge pond and tons of duck and have a feeling people drop off their ducks there only to die because they are not raised to know how to survive. This is why I don't have a problem figuring out a way to get her to you and know she will have a good home.
Also, I wouldn't take your $100, maybe you can apply that to shipping her safely. Here are my girls.
Oh my goodness. I love all your ducks and your little pond. As soon as I fill Molly's pool she jumps and and splashes all over the place and fill it up again. I know she would be so happy having duck friends. She is not a big duck but stands tall and thin.
Yes by all means, don't dump her at a pond! Domestic ducks are not equipped to live without humans caring for them. I hope something can get worked out - she sounds well-loved, and like she will appreciate humans who can look out for her and also having other duck friends. I have two other runners as well as my blue - they are fawn and white. The runners are sweet. If you can't find someone local, and you can work it out to get her to me, I will make sure she has a good home. I live in a wooded area with predators, so I do keep my ducks contained to a predator-proof house and run for the night and a good deal of the day. I let them out to free-range in my yard a couple times a day when I am outside with them, and they also spend several hours a day in a portable "tractor" so they can be safe outside on my grass. I'm sure she will miss you terribly as you are the one she's clearly bonded with, but hopefully having a flock of her own kind would make up for that loss.


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Okay, great. Hope she finds a wonderful new home and flock. If they don't end up working out, hope you can somehow get her to me. My best to you and Molly!
I talked to her last night. She totally wants Molly. She said she has a lot of land for her to roam with her other birds. She will take all her supplies as well. I'm super excited for her. Thank you so much. If things don't work out I will reach back out to you.
Thank you. I’m delivering her today. I found her through my vet. She has chickens she’s adopted and it excited to get Molly. She said she loves the way she stands tall and looking forward to getting her today. It is bitter sweet for my family because we love her so much. We want her to be happy and have friends and more human contact.
Thank you again.

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