Looking for beautiful Breeds

Yeah, I don’t think she should get the Mosaics but I fail to see how her question about what breeds to get turned into she’s going to dump them because she wants pretty birds :confused: 😂
You can be in a situation where you treat the chickens like cut flowers. There is a lot in common there once you get past the business of eggs for eating.
Yeah, I don’t think she should get the Mosaics but I fail to see how her question about what breeds to get turned into she’s going to dump them because she wants pretty birds :confused: 😂
Idk either.
Lover of long tailed and Laced Standard chickens, as well as most small poultry including bantams and pigeons. Also has an odd obsession with tall chickens like the Malay and Saipan breeds, as well as teeny breeds like serama
If you like these breeds, though should get them. All of them (minus maybe the Serama) meet your criteria! ;)
I did not say should not have them, rather give process more thought. There are folks that do think like you assumed was my logic. They will be the ones ultimately challenging your ability, and mine to keep chickens.
I’m sorry, I guess I just wasn’t really clear on what you were trying to say or whatever. :oops: I do understand the concern though especially with so many people getting animals due to COVID but I don’t think everybody dumps them. Though I have seen several ducks on my Craigslist about the right age to have been gotten in spring. Same with dogs sadly. :( so many 6-9 month olds :( I even saw someone say they got ducks but don’t have the time or room for them or whatever? I was thinking then why get them!? 🤦‍♀️ The answer I’m sure is the virus.
You can be in a situation where you treat the chickens like cut flowers. There is a lot in common there once you get past the business of eggs for eating.
Yes, you’re right. The Japanese did treat the Ornagadori like cut flowers. (Sorry can’t spell.) But there’s nothing wrong with an attractive pet. No one complains if you get an fancy cat breed as a pet, why should you complain about chickens?
I’m sorry, I guess I just wasn’t really clear on what you were trying to say or whatever. :oops: I do understand the concern though especially with so many people getting animals due to COVID but I don’t think everybody dumps them. Though I have seen several ducks on my Craigslist about the right age to have been gotten in spring. Same with dogs sadly. :( so many 6-9 month olds :( I even saw someone say they got ducks but don’t have the time or room for them or whatever? I was thinking then why get them!? 🤦‍♀️ The answer I’m sure is the virus.
My choice of words "dump" was poor. Rather should be get rid of through sale, giving away, loss to predator, health issue and poor husbandry. The concept may be one that is alien to many because of the low value placed on the birds. That may be the case with so little thought put into keeping the chickens. This is not the proper thread, and may not be the proper site.
You can be in a situation where you treat the chickens like cut flowers. There is a lot in common there once you get past the business of eggs for eating.
Yeah I’m sure some people do that but that doesn’t necessarily meant everybody will. :confused:

Personally for me, I like having a varied flock with lots of different breeds and looks, etc.

They all have different personalities and it’s fun. But I also don’t shun basic breeds and have several of those too like Leghorn, Australorp, Orpington, etc. I just like lots of breeds haha

I actually hatched eggs from my rooster this summer too so I have some second generation babies. Sadly the rooster unexpectedly died two weeks after the chicks hatched. 😭😭 but I got 4 chicks so his legacy continues Somewhat. I wasn’t planning on hatching but I had a broody and figured why not 😂🤣🙈 I am now glad I did since he ended up dying. The whole broody raised thing was a fun experience too. Never had done that and I even let them free range which was nerve wracking at first 😂🤣
My choice of words "dump" was poor. Rather should be get rid of through sale, giving away, loss to predator, health issue and poor husbandry. The concept may be one that is alien to many because of the low value placed on the birds. That may be the case with so little thought put into keeping the chickens. This is not the proper thread, and may not be the proper site.
Yeah that makes sense!! And sorry, didn’t mean to hijack or whatever. :oops: it just reminded me of it hah there do seem to be a lot who think of chickens as disposable so I do understand your point! I think there was just a misunderstanding and I apologize. Anyway, for me personally, I’ve definitely had losses but I just figure it’s part of chicken keeping if you’ve had them long enough. I do try my best to prevent them though but some of them happen anyway. I have had a lot of losses this year for whatever reason. :( predators seem to be higher population this year. Or maybe it’s just because I have more birds now I’m Moore likely to lose some :confused:
I think, if I’m understanding correctly, is that some people think of the birds as almost an accessory or something rather than a living thing. Especially with more and more celebrities getting them and the boredom due to the virus. They are more like just sort of “the latest thing” to get now etc.

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