Looking for chicken laws in Danbury, Ct

I know it's been a while since anyone posted on this thread, but I'm just trying to figure out what to do.

We are new to Danbury, we purchased a home recently in a fairly secluded area. The house is near the road and we do have neighbors across the street and next door (about 150 yards away up the hill). I checked with zoning people in Danbury to confirm nothing has changed. We are RA-80, which is the only area where chickens are permitted, but zoning laws say they would have to be in an enclosure and we need 5 acres of land. Unfortunately, we only have 1.9 acres. Most of it is behind the house and up the mountain and wooded.

We don't want many - just a few to provide eggs for us and our two dogs (they love them and organic free range eggs are expensive!) We like eggs, the dogs eat eggs. We would keep them as free range during day, in a coop at night. I'm desperate to own our own chickens - I just assumed we would be able to when we purchased the house.

Do we risk it? Any thoughts from others in the Danbury area?
Thanks :)
Would you think about looking into what it would take to change the zoning laws. I know that its happened in a lot of other towns in the last few years as I have seen signs like "Vote Yes to Chickens". I think in todays day and age the organic and sustainability things is so strong that many people would be for it. Most towns that allow chickens have some regulations as to no rosters, property line proximity and flock size. If you file for it, I'll support it.
I spoke with a couple helpful people in Danbury Zoning today. As of now chickens are only allowed on farm zones with 5 or more acres. I am going to meet with the head of zoning about amending these regs here. I live in a light industrial zone, so that's my focus to change. If anyone else wants to join me, the more supporters, the better chances we have. We can include requests for changes to residential zones as well.
Hopefully this week. I just need to get info on how they changed the regs in Bridgeport. I collected a lot of info on the benefits of raising chickens. Anything you can add would be appreciated. Are you available to join me in meeting with zoning during the day?
Not sure if I can help much as I live in bethel. Any info you find out about Bridgeport though please let me know as I'm trying to do the same thing here in Bethel
Other side of the state, similar issues. Not so sure what to do right now.
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I potential can go during the day. Have you set up a meeting yet?
Would you think about looking into what it would take to change the zoning laws. I know that its happened in a lot of other towns in the last few years as I have seen signs like "Vote Yes to Chickens". I think in todays day and age the organic and sustainability things is so strong that many people would be for it. Most towns that allow chickens have some regulations as to no rosters, property line proximity and flock size. If you file for it, I'll support it.

I apologize for not responding sooner. I got caught up in "fun" new homeowner adventures....think everything is under control now and I can re-focus on getting chickens :)

I would definitely be willing to look into this further. I don't know what it would take. Personally, I don't see how my area of Danbury could NOT allow chickens. I may not own 5 acres of land but 2 acres should be enough for 3 chickens. Especially when surrounded by wooded area!

I'll try and research more and see what I can come up with.
Hopefully this week. I just need to get info on how they changed the regs in Bridgeport. I collected a lot of info on the benefits of raising chickens. Anything you can add would be appreciated. Are you available to join me in meeting with zoning during the day?

I responded to an earlier post without reading all the way down. I didn't realize there were more. Sorry!

Just wondering if there was an update. Were you able to meet with anyone or find out anything about changing the regs in Bridgeport. I can start looking up information. Any help you need, I will be there. Unfortunately, I work during the day so it will be difficult for me to meet mid-day, but please keep me in the loop and I"ll see what I can do.
Thank you!

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