Looking for chicks or young birds, preferably in AZ, or can ship to AZ


Jan 28, 2020
Hi all,
I didn't specify a breed because we aren't really sure what we want to get started with. My daughter and I are planning to restart a show flock, or two. She likes Polish, Bantam Buff Brahmas, and Marans (Black Copper or Blue Copper or splash), and mille fleur d'uccles, maybe porcelain d'uccles

I have several favorites and can never choose just one, so I wanted to see whats available. I lean towards Speckled Sussex, Wyandottes (Blue laced red, or silver laced) Orpington (lavendar, or blue), Marans, Jersey Giants, and other sizeable birds that are good egg layers and go broody easily and that can withstand the summer heat here. ( we have a fully shaded run for them, but its still hot. )

anyone local or that ships chicks have any of these?


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