Looking for Double Yolk Eggs of Any Kind for a school Project

I'm too young to have experienced the time he lived in, but I've read about him in school. He did some crazy stuff to people and he and his kind were a major reason why ethics boards are now a thing. That sounds like a pretty interesting family history, though.
The most "crazy scientist" things I've ever done was try and hatch eggs I found without parts of their shell, did minor surgery on a duckling that survived being pecked out of her shell by chickens, amputated frozen to death toes from an older duck [he did good after, surprisingly], and did an egg C-section on a badly positioned chick... Oh, and I kept a chick with an exposed brain alive for a day or so. I couldn't bring myself to do anything to directly harm the poor thing.
I definitely will. I'll probably make a thread here, and in the Emu/Ostrich/Rhea section of this site, and then another in the Facebook group where I'm getting my emu egg from. Lots of people seem pretty interested; I only wish double eggs were more common.
I used to have a hen who laid them near daily, but of course that was back when I only had hens and I had no incubator.
That's amazing work... The brown hen on the left is Athena she throws doubles twice a month or more. Spitz center is her roo. Something in her being a hydrid causes her to lay more eggs than normal, as well as throw twins
That's interesting. I see your chickens are as mixed as mine.. I currently have rhode island reds, Ameracaunas [spelling? They lay blue/green eggs.], and some strange mixed breeds that are a cross of some kind of white hen to a rhode island red rooster but somehow came out striped like your right most bird in that picture or completely all black. The black ones have very iridescent feathers, and they're my favorites partly because they're all children of or at least related to my favorite hen which I had to do an egg C section on as a chick [RIP Sponge; may she live on in her chicks.]
And now the blue egg layers are crossing with the reds and the striped ones, so hatching my eggs is always a surprise... But not quite so much of a surprise as getting two chicks out of one egg.
I've also wanted to try and hatch eggs with a "window" in their shell, or without shells, but again I can't bring myself to do it purposely anymore. Best I did was fix up an egg that I dropped the incubator lid on; he/she made it to hatch day, then got stuck and died in the middle of the night while I was sleeping.. And that's why I try not to sleep now while I have anything hatching.
Nice names, too. I see your chickens also enjoy invading your porch to sit on railings.
Mine have not only invaded the porch and enjoy looking in through the glass back door at us inside the house while making a mess, but they've also decided that they don't like their own coop. They refuse to use it, and have instead all moved themselves into my emu's shed.
I guess I don't blame them; the emu's shed has a heat lamp and their coop did not.
All 15 of my flock are named lol. There's Popeyes my old English roo, his hen olive, the cuckoo twins, eenie, meanie, mini, and moe. Destiny and cayenne after my fightin kids lol, spot, Courtney, spitz, Athena, holiday, and I maybe missing a couple lol
I love candling the eggs. It's so cool to see them moving around in there. I kind of took it for granted, though, until I started on emu eggs. Their shells are like green ceramic, so there's no way to candle them... You just wait and hope for two months to see if they hatch, although after the half way point they can wiggle their entire egg if they're awake and choose to do so.

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