Looking for Egyptian Fayoumi

Thank you all for your help, and although a nice offer I doubt ill be able to get to Tennessee, so I talked to Privett hatchery and a farm store who buys directly from them and neither had Fayoumi I could buy, I then posted a sign at my local farm store asking if anyone had Fayoumi they could sell me, unsurprisingly no one called. But now, out of nowhere in mid July, it’s seems my Orpington-orphelia, may be going broody. I’ve given up on predicting anything or thinking I understand chickens, I hope she does go broody and I can give her some Fayoumi chicks.
Update: I was able to buy two 3.5 month old Fayoumi pullets from someone near me they have integrated into the flock well, they are getting beat up by the adults but are beating up our other pullets. Are rooster was excited to mate with them but has now decided they are children and he can’t mate with them. Also my orphington is hatching out 9 eggs that should hatch around the 10th, the set up was funky and it’s an odd so they may not hatch but if they do I’ll make sure to post pictures of the babies.
4 of the eggs have hatched, none of the other eggs show signs of popping but they were put in a couple of days later so I will wait to see if they hatch, although there is a bad smell coming from the nest. 3E2EA618-3159-495D-ADB4-7E9DAF555499.jpeg

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