Looking for examples of a few cross breeds

The Prairie

Oct 14, 2018
Hatched some mix chicks this year and am(for funsies) trying to figure out what they are. My first one has me a bit stumped. It's a cockerel chick with a rose or pea comb, white with grey/black. All my roos have single combs, A RIRXCCL mix, a CCL and a White with Red Leakage "Salmon Favorelles" (obviously not completely due to color). My only Pea or Rose Comb hens are 2 SLW, a GLW, a CCLxRIRxGLW, a Splash Laced Red Wyandotte and 2 Light Brahmas. I'm not sure what egg he hatched from, but I don't think any Brahma eggs were under there.

I'm thinking CCL or the RIRxCCL are the sire. Anyone have CCL Wyandotte cross cockerels?


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That's a rose comb, not a pea comb.
Also, a Brahma chick would have feathers on the feet.

So the mother is one of the Wyandottes or Wyandotte crosses.

Are those markings blue or black?
If blue, then it must have a blue or splash parent.
Which would make the Splash Laced Red Wyandotte the mother.

If the chick is a cockerel, and its color is silver (with blue or black markings), then at least one parent must be silver.
So either the father is the White with Red Leakage "Salmon Favorelles."
Or the mother is a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

If the mother is the Splash Laced Red Wyandotte (because of blue), then the father must be the white rooster (because of silver).

Unless the chick has white barring in those feathers, in which case we'd have to get a Legbar in there somehow to cause it :)

Just to be sure I'm correct interpreting the abbreviations:
CCL is Crested Cream Legbar
RIR is Rhode Island Red
GLW is Golden Laced Wyandotte
SLW is Silver Laced Wyandotte
Excellent, thanks for all the info! I think he's barred so probably by the CCL (you're correct on all the abbreviations) or CCLxRIR in which case probably one of my Silver Laced Wyandottes. It's hard yet to say if he's blue or black, I think black but double barred, he looks a lot like a CCL roo but with the rose comb and no crest (none of my crosses have gotten the crest including my mostly CCL) so thats probably what he is. Thanks again!
Hatched some mix chicks this year and am(for funsies) trying to figure out what they are. My first one has me a bit stumped. It's a cockerel chick with a rose or pea comb, white with grey/black. All my roos have single combs, A RIRXCCL mix, a CCL and a White with Red Leakage "Salmon Favorelles" (obviously not completely due to color). My only Pea or Rose Comb hens are 2 SLW, a GLW, a CCLxRIRxGLW, a Splash Laced Red Wyandotte and 2 Light Brahmas. I'm not sure what egg he hatched from, but I don't think any Brahma eggs were under there.

I'm thinking CCL or the RIRxCCL are the sire. Anyone have CCL Wyandotte cross cockerels?
I get lost with all the acronyms. Can you explain them?
Just for the readers of this thread, the Cream Legbar is not a CCL which is a name some websites use and should go away. A cream Legbar (CL) has a crest.
That's a rose comb, not a pea comb.
Also, a Brahma chick would have feathers on the feet.

So the mother is one of the Wyandottes or Wyandotte crosses.

Are those markings blue or black?
If blue, then it must have a blue or splash parent.
Which would make the Splash Laced Red Wyandotte the mother.

If the chick is a cockerel, and its color is silver (with blue or black markings), then at least one parent must be silver.
So either the father is the White with Red Leakage "Salmon Favorelles."
Or the mother is a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

If the mother is the Splash Laced Red Wyandotte (because of blue), then the father must be the white rooster (because of silver).

Unless the chick has white barring in those feathers, in which case we'd have to get a Legbar in there somehow to cause it :)

Just to be sure I'm correct interpreting the abbreviations:
CCL is Crested Cream Legbar
RIR is Rhode Island Red
GLW is Golden Laced Wyandotte
SLW is Silver Laced Wyandotte
Where were you when I was trying to pass genetics class in college ?!!🤣
I think he's barred so probably by the CCL (you're correct on all the abbreviations) or CCLxRIR in which case probably one of my Silver Laced Wyandottes.

If he's barred, then I agree that's who his parents must be.

Quite the logic puzzle, working through all the options :)

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