looking for fellow Alberta chicken freaks!

Hi! Hope you've had a good long weekend! This time of year I stay busy just trying to keep up on the yard and with my animals! We got our hay in the barn on Saturday. I'm always relieved when that job is done! have 2 miniature donkeys and 3 miniature goats.
I love your Polish rooster! I've never seen one like that. And your pup is so cute!! I can see why you took him home again.
I'm trying to get rid of my 17 roosters now. No sense feeding them if I already know I won't keep them. I don't really have a place set up for so many. I would have loved to see what they look with their adult feathers, though. The extra hens I'll find a home for in fall - once I decide which ones I'm keeping for sure.
Did your hatching chick make it? I'll have to do some reading up on hatching chicks. That sounds very interesting.
I have 5 EEs and I think only one may be a pullet. I had kind of hoped one of the brown ones would be a pullet, but this past week I started seeing some dark reddish brown feathers in the shoulder area. They're 9 weeks old today. Quite disappointed. Oh well... The one I'm talking about is the above left one. The one on the right I know is a rooster.
This white and gray one is the one EE I think is a hen. She is very unique compared to anyone else in the group.
Glad you got your Hay done! We started on fencing the pasture this weekend and got all the posts in. Busy busy and lots of people coming and going!

I sure hope you have more hens than you think! its tough when they turn out to be darn roosters. They are always so beautiful but really so not worth.

as for that chick I was hatching what a story that is!!! He was well and truely STUCK in his shell. his head wasnt even in the right place to hatch, it took me a good 24 or more hours to hatch him as I was so scared of rushing it. I have saved so many helping but still get scared on the odd one or two and this one I kept second guessing myself. As it turns out once I got him out I though he was a gonner for sure. He couldnt get off his back and if you put him on his front he would flip back and his neck was twisted
I left him in the incubator but nothing helped. I was starting to think we were going to have to put it down but I put it in a hermit crab tank ( my sick bay for baby chicks!!) and when I got up the next morning he looked like this!!
And he got even better! He is now with the other chickens and thriving! A serious success story!
I am also doing one last hatch of the season. I FINALLY got my turkey eggs. I just hope they hatch this time. I also have two more polish eggs and 3 more buffs.

Hope your weekend was good too and you got some fun time in also?
How is your chick doing? He/she is sure cute! You did good pulling it through!
Did you get your fencing done? What are you planning to put in there?
I found someone to take my roosters, so they'll be gone next weekend. Should give me a lot more room in my coop! Now I'm looking for a couple EE or Ameraucana hens since I only got one out of those 5. It will be hard to keep the numbers down to 10!
Hope you had a good weekend!
It was an interesting fall and winter. Very cold and long winter - as I'm sure you had. Had a few challenges with my chickens, but they're doing well right now and laying well too. I tried putting eggs under a broody hen a month ago. She sat on them for over 2 weeks and then abandoned the eggs and spread them all over the floor. When I opened them, all were rotten except one that had a chick in it. The egg was cold. Chalk it up to a learning experience. I hope to try again if one goes broody.
Have you hatched more eggs this spring?
I have some under broody hens also and to be quite frank its a nightmare. I hate using broody hens. I had to bring two eggs in cold as they had started to zip and had some how come out from under her. one chick was super cold so helped out and warmed it up a bit then put it back under her. I have lots of eggs under them as I have my incubator full in the house with Ducks and turkeys. due to hatch on the 19th. I am soooo excited for them! I am also waiting on a new sportsman incubator. whoooo hooo!

Yes super long horrible winter here too.
Fellow Alberta chicken freak checking in! From Spruce Grove, just west of Edmonton. Glad to see that I'm not alone!




I'm from Stettler , just joined this site today and new to the chicken world and I love it! Over the last few months we have built a large flock of fancy chickens and just recently acquired some runner ducks. I have a 7 month old white silkie who is my prize, he's so friendly and loving and i had no idea chickens could be like him. Anyways I am a fellow Alberta chicken freak and I'm glad to have found some peeps in my area!! :)

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