Looking for good names for these silkie chicks


8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Rio Linda, CA
The little one (in front) has been named "BB" because she/he is small, round and grey. It was the last one (and tiniest egg) to hatch. I would have named it "Silver Bullet" but "BB" just seems fitting!
The others are probably blue silkies but the darker one may be a black?
So far, here are some other names I've seen...but I'm trying to find just the perfect names.
- Misty
-Slate (if I knew one was a boy!)

Another angle of the four chicks
No suggestions?
I think I've decided on a name for another one of these chicks. I'm liking the name, "Silhoette" for the darkest silkie!

Now I have BB and Silhoette. Hmmm, now for the other two...?
Rookie -Ooooh, those are cute names. I like Pepper and Soot, especially. Maybe Sootie for a girl.
Of course it's a while before you figure out Silkie gender-LOL

I guess I got impatient for responses last night and REALLY started brainstorming. These are the names I've narrowed down for my four babies. However, I might change one to Pepper -that's very cute and fitting for a couple of my grey/black silkies...

BB-for the littlest chick
Silhouette-for the darkest silkie
Misty Blue (girl) / Mista Blue (boy) -for the biggest and first hatched silkie &
Hazey Daisy (girl) / Hazey Daze (boy) -for the lightest grey silkie

I still have time to pick names. Do chickens ever actually learn their name??
From what I've read on here and from experience with my neighbors chickens, they can learn individual names if you start young and they will (sometimes) come when called especially if food is involved
We have a white silky named Lola and a partridge silky rooster (that we have to find a forever home for since we aren't allowed to have roosters in our town) named Mo-short for Mohawk. They are 5-6 months old and sometimes seem to answer to their names.
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dusky, midnight, mysty, shady, stormy, cloudy, eclipse, stealthy.....and maybe marble.

BTW, I love them! Adorable and can I say how super cute the miniatures are in the picture, lol. I bet they liked them!

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