Looking for great books!

Ckn woman

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 28, 2009
I am a bookaholic... I admit, but I am wanting to get more into canning and making some of my own everyday things we use. Any suggestions on a good read/teaching book?
Country Wisdom and Know How

I would give you the publisher, but it is on the book shelf that the Christmas tree and train set are blocking.
It is a big book and you'll need magnifying glasses to read it, but It makes you want to clone yourself so you can do it all.
But remember, we do not have to be TOTALLY self sufficient to be self sufficient. I keep forgetting that. I get overwhelmed and then turn around and see what we actually have accomplished, and feel better about it all.
Thanks. I know what you mean. I decided this year was going to be the year for making cookies with the kids and baking and all that... but it turns out that most of my stuff was a big laugh. I have to laugh at myself to keep from getting frustrated. I think we women believe we are superwoman! And we must do it all. But I like the way you think. we need to look at what we have accomplished and not what we haven't . Thanks so much! Merry Christmas!
I found the book... Will it tell me how to do all the golden day stuff? lol

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