Looking for guineas in Southern Indiana


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
Pekin Indiana
Hey all,
first post here on the site. I'm a small produce farmer and plant breeder/ginseng grower/worm farmer and now chicken and guienea enthusiast here in southern indiana. I am currently looking for some gueineas, would prefer keets, but don't mind juveniles or even young adults or even hatching eggs (I've got a couple of broody banty hens right now). I've been searching locally but unable to find much of anything other than six lavender gueineas that another market vendor sold to me. I don't mind any of the colors, would like to have a dozen or so if possible. Any help would really be appreciated greatly!

Thanks for your time and I look forward to spending more time on the messageboard as my season winds down (other than in the greenhouses/wormhouse).


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