Looking for hatching eggs


14 Years
Jan 21, 2009
Wallkill, NY
Hi! I was wondering if anyone had any extra eggs for hatching available. My 5 year old daughter, Emily, really wants to hatch some eggs.She keeps asking if we can get eggs and do it. This would be our first try at hatching. We got our first chicks in March and she loves them so much! I really would like to surprise her with some eggs!
Are you looking for a specific breed? I have some purebred eggs that I sell. I also have mutt eggs (EE roo over blue rock, EE, RIR, and Silkie/EE hens) that I could send you for the cost of shipping.
My daughter said she wanted all different colored eggs. She loves looking on BYC
But said she really wants blue and pink and chocolate eggs. So I think she would like Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas? We have some brown egg layers that hopefully will be laying soon. But I dont think it would really matter, she would probably like anything. Thanks for your replies!
I have some Old English Game Hen + Black Plymouth Rock Rooster eggs and also some New England Red + Black Plymouth Rock Rooster eggs.
I could do an assortment next week if you're interested? There would be LF mix, bantam mix, white silkies, coturnix quail, and possibly some duck or button quail eggs as well. Or I can do a 'batch' of 6+ on the LF, or 6+ on the mixed bantams and silkies together. Can't do a full batch of ducks or buttons, since they aren't laying that good right now. Of course the coturnix quail could be more, I'm getting up to 18 eggs a day
Your daughter would like those, they are white, brown, or blue colored eggs with brown spots on them. The buttons' eggs are very tiny, and green or dark brown eggs with brown spots. Just in case
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