Looking for Heritage Turkey HEN, Georgia. Will take tom if cheap/free


8 Years
Jul 28, 2011
Jefferson, GA
Looking for smaller heritage breed turkey hen for my lonely 8 month old tom, he just sleeps all day and is very lonely. I spend some time talking to him each day and he talks back(in his own language) and is just very lonely. Doesn't have to be fancy or show quality. Can be young as long as you can tell gender.

Would take another tom if VERY cheap or free!
we have 2 toms we need to rehome asap asking $35 FOR THE PAIR they are going to be thanksgiving dinner if we dont sell them soon we have too many. They are a royal palm and a narragansett both are tame and ready for a new home they are about 6-7 months old thanks
can you make a run to east texas, lol.. i have 12 heritage turkeys, if you can make it here you are welcome to a female and a couple of toms... they are making a mess in my yard.. they are 10 months old and ready to lay eggs in the spring. leave me a message [email protected].. there are white and black speckecled, black mexican, tiger stripe, and a few true purple nebraskas.
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